Yes, no and maybe?  We realize that sounds very vague, sorry.  

A little Context

We strongly believe in the important role that "short term mission" opportunities play in the spiritual development of each individual person. We do recognize that short term teams, when properly organized offer benefit to the partner organization on the ground. However, we believe that the larger benefit is often what happens "on the inside" of a person participating on the trip. This is the primary reason we actively support mission trip kind of experiences. However, we like to classify them a little different.

3 New Ways To Name a Short Term Missions Trip

1. Vision (or Exposure) Trips - a focussed intentional time where we ask God to open our hearts to the plight of the poor.  What the eye has not seen the heart cannot grieve over. So, it's natural that when people find themselves face to face with poverty for the first time, something significant happens. The rest of our lives are irrevocably shaped by what we have witnessed. We gain Vision.

2. Learning Exchanges - a time when our theology and understanding of the world is rocked to the core and deconstructed. When we travel as learners, eager to have our minds expanded and preconceptions challenged, we will not be disappointed. This category includes those who travel as part of their vocation - as a builder, surgeon or dentist for example - but are open to learning from God while they are passing on expertise to others in another country.

3. Discernment Retreats - where we discern our vocation more deeply on the margins. To pursue a vocation in any field without the perspective of the world's poor (where God's heart and good news is centered) is folly. How can we be a banker for God, if we don’t know how the financial services industry affects the poor? How can we be an architect or planner for God, if we don’t know how the design of cities affects the homeless? How can we be a teacher, if we don’t bring the reality of the world's poorest to our students? 

So, with all that said, yes, please email us and we would be happy to chat further about what may be a great opportunity.

  • We encourage inquiries from Canadian C&MA churches to connect with us through Envision Canada.

*Footnote - 3 suggested names taken from the article published here -*